Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Nama Japam/Nama Sankeerthanam/Reciting holy names of Him

Nama Japa/Nama Sankeerthana/Reciting holy names of Krishna/Rama/Shiva/Amba (any name you pray your istha daivam) is the prescribed path for the age of kali.

Holy names of Him will refine us (Ratnakara  to Valmiki) and will show us the path to Him (the ultimate goal of any human).

Raghavam Keshavam Radhikamanoharam

Sreedharam Sreekaram Gopikavallabham

Ajayem Abhedyam Arjunasaradhim

Anantham Anadhim Lakshmanasodharam

Murarim Mukundham Subhadraagrajam

Madhavam Mohanam Rukmininayakam

राघवम् केशवम् 
श्रीधरम् श्रीकरम्                               
 अजेयम्  भेद्यम्
अनंतम्  अनादिं
मुरारिम्  मुकुन्दम्
 माधवम् मोहनम् 
   by His grace! 
BTW, the very purpose of chanting His names should be for Moksha/liberation. Most importantly, one should never give up his/her prescribed duties. We get confused between being in spiritual path and worldly duties. It's very simple, as explained by Him in Gita, one should always do his duty (without attachment) and should also sincerely try for self realization/liberation. We should never stop doing our duties, NEVER. 

Jai Shri Raam 

1) What is duty? 

Ans: Duty is everything that we are supposed to do (of course, in the right direction). For eg., we have to take care of our family, take care of our job (do it sincerely), do our duties as a citizen, 
fulfil our obligations/duties towards the mother nature etc.

2) Animals/trees are not attached to the outcome of an action nor they do action with some expectation. So, will they be liberated? 

Ans: No, they don't have the ability to identify their true self/Atman. Only Humans have that ability and the prescribed path/way for Kali is nama japa/smarana. 

3) There are many paths like Jnana, Yoga, Bhakti, and many philosophies like Dvaita, Advaita, Visistadvaita etc. Is nama japa/smarana alone  sufficient for liberation? 

Ans: YES nama (Raama) will take us from "Ratnakara to Valmiki". Yoga, Dhyana and Aaradhana (for Dwapara yuga) are prescribed for  previous yugas. In Kali yuga, the prescribed path is nama japa/smarana. But as we are in the beginning of Kali, we can do both Aaradhana and nama japa.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

linking aadhar to property registration

I believe that linking Aadhar to property registration will be advantageous.

1) ownership can be identified and the scope for fake registrations will reduce
2) land mafia may vanish (I am bit optimistic!)
3) corruption may also reduce. As we know, most of the corrupt officials prefer to invest on properties.
4) most importantly, transactions will become more transparent

Hope our requests will be heard!

Jai Shri Ram

Thursday, February 1, 2018

about income tax

I believe that individual income tax can be dropped in Bharath. Salaried class is the only class that files the returns sincerely. This can be replaced with a transaction tax as proposed by many economists.

Disadvantages of current tax system:
1) only employees are the major contributers
2) It burdens 3% of sincere tax payers
3) other classes escape this model

Advantages of Transaction tax:
1) All the citizens will be paying tax based on their consumption power
2) we will get more income
3) corruption can be curtailed